Idea Bubble Logo
Idea Bubble

Share your ideas,

find your team,

reach your goals!

Idea Bubble is here to connect you with like-minded individuals, bringing ideas and skills together under one platform.

How it works?

Post and join Bubbles in order to create an effective group of professionals to reach your goals, manage tasks and communications.

Create a Bubble

Have a business concept, but limited capital or skills?

Post a Bubble to bring your ideas to a public space, attracting and recruiting essential individuals to progress your business concept.

Investors, creators and partners are waiting for you!

Explore Bubbles

Explore innovative ideas created by peers

Explore a range of posted Bubbles, monetise your skills and strengths, and become a partner of the next best venture.

Task Assignment

Streamline your projects

Create an efficient workflow, managing tasks, communications and goals all in one Bubble.

Take advantage of a variety of built-in tools, such as dashboards, chat systems and file storage.

Create/Join Bubbles

Post your unique idea or join someone else's.

Connect with Partners

Combine your strengths and interests and strive for greatness.

Pave the Journey

A plan itself is nothing, but planning is everything.

Execute & Grow Together

Benefit from our streamlined platform and evolve.

Bring your ideas to life! Start using our app today.

Setting up your first Bubble takes less than a minute!

No credit card required.